Membership is the best way to support my work and to ensure the continuity of my offerings.
What Members are Saying:
" I love my monthly membership for Emma’s classes! Paying monthly takes away the stress of deciding whether I should join a class any given day. When I have a busy work day and know I might need to cut out early, I still join class to get that wonderful infusion of yoga joy and happy Emma energy! Emma’s awesome classes make hard days so much better and always leave me feeling amazing!"
"I’ve been practicing yoga once a week with Emma for years, paying by the class, before I became a member and I’m kicking myself for not doing it earlier. I love Emma’s classes because she’s so joyful so even when I find the class challenging I have a great time. With the membership I can take a short class, or even part of a class, when I can fit it into my schedule. Absolutely love Emma and highly recommend becoming a member!”
"Having an Emma membership is a comforting relief to know that fantastic, fiery, feel good yoga is right in my pocket anytime I need it! I travel a lot and bounce between time zones -- having a membership makes me much more likely to both hop into a live class and watch a video on my own time. Highly recommend!"