Online and Home Practice FAQs

Where are your classes hosted?

All classes are offered at

How do I get the password for classes?

Password remains the same for every class. New students who sign up for class through my livestream schedule and sign up page will receive a confirmation email with the password about an hour before class starts. New students can also can reach out to me directly for the password a day in advance. I cannot guarantee responses to same day inquiry.

What are your regular online class offerings?

  • Tuesdays at 12:00 PM PST

How and what do I pay for class:

I suggest a donation of $5-25 per practice. Donations can be made through the online scheduling system on my online classes page, as well as to @Emma-Stern-1 on venmo or on paypal. I also offer membership options for unlimited livestreams and videos. Please email me at if you are interested.

Do you offer memberships?

If you practice yoga or do online videos with me once a week or more, membership is the best bang for your buck. All-access membership is $45 a month and includes unlimited livestream and on-demand access. I have over 500 on-demand videos for your enjoyment. All-access membership options can be found here.

How do I know if classes are canceled

I update this website whenever I need to cancel classes. When classes are cancelled, there will be a marketing banner at the top of this website. Alternatively, I email frequent participants about cancellations. Contact me to get on that list.

Is there anything I need to do before I practice with you?

Yes, please sign and review my liability waiver. If you are new to zoom, I recommend signing in about five minutes early your first time just to make sure all the technology works.

What should I have with me for class?

Some common household items that can become props for class are couch cushions (bolsters), water bottles or thick books (blocks), scarfs (straps), and blankets.

Is there anything I should know about practicing on my floors at home?

Studios often have special floors designed to provide both stability and buoyancy in our movement practices. Since our home spaces are not designed for movement, it is important to pay attention to your ability to stabilize as well as support your body.

If you are practicing on carpet, it can be much harder to stabilize your wrists, shoulders, and footing. My general recommendation is practicing without a yoga mat on carpet so you are able to connect to surface below you for stability.

On the contrary, if you are practicing on hard floors, you may lack padding to soften the impact of hard surfaces on your joints. If you are practicing on a hard surface, I recommend using a yoga mat and having a blanket on hand for extra padding.

Everyone’s home and body is different. I recommend testing out a few postures in your practice space with and without your yoga mat to see what allows you to maximize your ability to feel strong as well as supported.

Do I have to practice with my camera on?

It is always your choice whether you practice with your camera on or off. It's great to see your beautiful faces and be able to see alignment, however I totally understand a multitude of reasons you may choose to keep your camera off like respecting the privacy of other household members. It is also important to note that if your computer is older camera usage may slow down the stream on your end.

Is it alright to come to class late or leave early?

Totally fine. Here are some best practices if you need to come to class late or leave early.

Arriving Late:

  • Please make sure to turn yourself on mute.

  • For your own safety, please warm up before jumping into postures.

  • My warm up recommendations for any power practice are

    • spine (cat/cow, rolling cobras, rolling from down dog to plank, etc.)

    • wrists (in cat cow and down dog)

    • some type of core warmup

    • a “pushing” warm up (i.e. three chaturanga push ups )

    • some type of hip warmup (gate pose, low crescent, etc.)

    • some type of glute warm up (a long hold in chair pose)

Leaving Early:

  • If you are leaving early please tell me in the chat box so I know everything is okay,

  • I recommend leaving before starting any asymmetrical series so you don't end up lopsided

  • Here is a quick closing series you can do on your own when you need to leave early

    • forward fold of your choice, bridge, supine twist, happy baby, savasana.